The Knights and Families of Council 16255 ended a fabulous year of service with a fabulous Mother’s Day Celebration. Everyone contributed their food, their labor, and their love as we gathered in the Knight’s Room on May 15, 2025. It was a wonderful evening of fun and fellowship.
We honored the Knight of the Month, Lionel Domulot and his wonderful family as Family of the Month.
We also held the final round of nominations for the Columbian Year 2024-2025 officers. Good luck gentlemen.
Let’s all gather together and examine the happiness of our Lord’s resurrection in the “He has Risen in Love a Happy Easter” workshop. Edith and I attended the first workshop and it was fantastic. The Holy Spirit is truly alive and Brother Jay.
If you miss the first one, not a problem. Next Saturday in the church meeting room at 1:00 PM and learn how to ingrain the love of our Lord into our daily lives.
Our worthy Advocate, Alex Knobloch, is working behind-the-scenes to make the CY 23-24 officer nomination and election run smoothly and slowly coax it into the 21st Century.
The Grand Knight believes in setting up our incoming officers for Success and wanted to give the incoming officer a chance to meet and prepare for the new year before taking office. However, the bylaws require the election to be completed before June 15th. So, this is not possible with our normal schedule of meetings.
Incoming officers will formally meet on July 9, 2024, after Installation. New officers are encouraged to meet before hand to select Committee Chairmen and make preliminary decisions ahead of Installation.
Reservations for the 2nd Tuesday (Leaders Meeting) and 3rd Wednesday (General Meeting) are completed.
Here is the schedule for the upcoming nominations and election.
Wednesday 5/15/2024 – 6:45-7:00 PM
Second Round of Officer Nominations
Following Nominations at 7:00-8:30 PM Mother’s Day Celebration POTLUCK Location: PCMR 3 Room
Tuesday 06/11/2024-7:00 PM to 7:15 PM General Meeting Moved to June 11, because Election must occur before June 15th, per Council Bylaws. Super Tuesday 7:15 PM – Rosary 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM Final Nominations and Officer Elections for CY 24-25 General Meeting Location: Knight’s Room
Wednesday, June 19, 2024 – General Meeting Canceled – No Meeting Happy Juneteenth!
Tuesday 07/09/2024 New Officer Installation 6:30 PM – Installation Ceremony 7:00 PM – New Leaders Meeting Location: Knight’s Room
Assembly 3557 conducts a monthly Patriotic Rosary on the first Saturday of each month at 0830 hours via Zoom. The next Patriotic Rosary is scheduled for Saturday, Mary 4th.
Passcode: 460887, Dial by your location: 669 900 6833. This is open to all Knights and their families.
This is an opportunity to bring God and Jesus into helping the Nation survive. There are five decades and I am looking for Knights to do one. Please contact me if you would like to do one of the decades and which one you would like to do. Attached is a copy of the Patriotic Rosary for your reference.
Come and join us on May 4th and future Patriotic Rosaries. For Council Grand Knights, please forward this email to your Council members.
With a humble heart, I thank our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary and our Patron Saint Joseph, for our awesome Knights of Columbus Council.
Through our blessings from Heaven and your sacrifice, dedication, and hard work, St. Joseph the Protector Council 16255 earned the STAR COUNCIL Award for Columbian Year 2023-2024.
The Knights of Columbus Star Council Award is an annual recognition given to councils that excel across several areas, including membership recruitment and retention, insurance promotion, and the conduct of well-rounded service program activities. To earn the Star Council Award, our council met specific criteria and benchmarks set by the Supreme Council. These criteria included:
Achieving our membership quota for the fraternal year
Achieving our insurance quota
Submitting the required reports and forms on time
Conducting programs from each of the Faith in Action program categories (Faith, Family, Community, and Life)
Complying with the rules and regulations of the Order
The Star Council Award is considered one of the highest honors a Knights of Columbus council can achieve. It recognizes the council’s commitment to the principles of the Order – Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism – and their dedication to serving their church, community, and fellow members through various initiatives and programs.
The California State Deputy called us and gave his Congratulations to our outstanding council.
Father Joshy asked me before I was installed as Grand Knight if we could organize and run a Crab Feed for the Parish. I did not immediately agree, but I decided to plunge in with Lady Rosanna Bell’s encouragement. Our council had no funds to finance such an event, so I turned to our outstanding Parish Business Manager, Gail Grimm. Over time, we recruited others in our merry band: Danny and Donna Couture, Jim Hunter, Derrick and Rosanna Bell, our caterer par excellence. This small group and others from the Parish created IMHO opinion an OUTSTANDING CRAB FEED on April 13, 2024.
Father Joshy’s thank you message expressed the appreciation I believe many others who attended felt. This was the first time to run a Crab Feed for many of us, and much of the evening was trial and error. But in the end, we had a fantastic turnout; more than 260 people attended, the food was excellent, the band was fantastic, and everyone had a good time. Did we make some mistakes? Yes, but we’ll learn from those and make next year’s event all the better.
Once again, Lady Suzette Domulot took some excellent photos of the event. You can see in the smiling faces of the parishioners that we had a good time.
Dear Grand Knight and members of the Knights of Columbus family,
Happy Easter to you all.
On behalf of St. Joseph Parish, let me take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for helping organize and execute the plans for a successful parish Crab feed dinner fundraiser and Parish ministry Volunteer appreciation dinner on Saturday night, April 13th, 2024. Your hard work, along with your dedication and commitment to help serve the parish community and service to the parish families, was very much visible in and through your committed efforts which God brought your efforts to fruition.
The community that gathered really enjoyed and had a fun time that evening. The crab,brisketand all the food served were delicious. It was amazing to see the community gather and come together after a long gap andafter the Covid shut down.
You made a difference and I sincerely thank each of you, especially Dennis Tremethick taking the leadership as Grand Knight; Rosanna Neves and the Bell family for cooking the delicious food; each of you who volunteered in the kitchen and in the banquet hall; our Faith formation students who helped serve; the Maramba Band; and Our Parish Staff lead by Mrs. Grimm. Without your help and support this would not have happened and you made it possible for the parish.
Your presence is a true testimony of how much you care and love our parish and our faith life. This was also an event where the parish family came together to meet, greet, enjoy fellowship, renew friendship, get to know some of our parish family members, and share in the agape meal which strengthens the ties of our parish community. Thank you.
God bless and reward you for all that you do for the glory of the Lord. I invite the parish community to join me to express our gratitude to the members of our Knights of Columbus, to our Ministry volunteers and to our dedicated parish staff.
The Knights of Columbus, Council 16255, St. Joseph the Protector Council hosted the St. Joseph Easter Season Breakfast on April 7, 2024. Dozens of Knights and Lovely Ladies, along with hundreds of St. Joseph Parishioners, joined together to celebrate Eastertide – the 50-day celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ.
Families gathered together to enjoy an excellent pancake or waffle breakfast and enjoyed themselves playing Corn Hole and winning fabulous prizes.
Lady Rossana and Brother Derrick Bell lead the Knights in the kitchen and serving staff. Guests complimented the excellent food and fantastic service.
Lady Suzette Domulot, the lovely bride of Brother Knight Lionel Domulot, created new Knights of Columbus aprons for everyone. All the Knights, Ladies, and helpers from the St. Joseph Confirmation Class loved the new aprons. Thank you, Suzette! She also took gorgeous photos of everyone working and enjoying themselves at the breakfast event.
Hundreds of laughing and screaming children, of all ages, descended upon St. Joseph Parish on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024. The Knights of Columbus hosted the St. Joseph Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Brother Ralph, Lady Raquel, and Brother Alex took the lead. So many Brother Knights and Lovely Ladies came together on Saturday to fill 2,000 eggs with candy and three with a unique tag for an Easter Basket. Brothers, Ladies, and children from the St. Joseph Confirmation class met at noon on Easter and set about making three separate areas for different age groups. The children vigorously attacked the egg hunt, and you could see the joy on their faces as they swooped up egg after egg. Two of our sweet young ladies won Easter Baskets with big smiles to show their joy. Robert the Easter Bunny was on hand for fun pics with the tikes. It’s Easter Time, He is Risen! Alleluia! Let everyone be joyful and glad!